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How to earn money online from Microsoft


Microsoft has sent off another dependability plot where you can gather focuses each time you search the web, then trade them for Xbox, Skype and Windows vouchers.

The Microsoft Rewards plot gives you focus each time you utilize its Bing web crawler - which is the UK's second most well-known web index after Google as indicated by most recent figures. You can likewise procure focuses finishing Microsoft studies and tests or shopping at the Microsoft or Windows Store.

Focuses can be reclaimed for a scope of vouchers across Microsoft's various brands. Yet, you'll have to weigh it up before joining - there are alternate ways of getting compensated to look through which could be more rewarding and pay cash not vouchers.

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How to sign up and collect points

This is extremely straightforward - you simply search the web as typical, utilizing Bing. To begin procuring directs you'll require to pursue a free Microsoft account, if you haven't as of now, then, at that point, ensure you're signed in.

There are two levels to the plan. You'll at first begin on level one, and leap to even out two assuming that you gather and keep on procuring 500 focuses every month:


Level one clients can acquire up to 30 focuses each day (three focuses per search) looking through Bing on their PC, Mac or tablet.


Level two clients can procure up to 150 focuses each day (three focuses per search) by doing up to 30 inquiries on Bing.com on their PC, Mac or tablet, and a further 20 on the Bing versatile application.


Microsoft says you ought to likewise have the option to procure focuses when you search using Bing on your portable, through a program or the application, for however long you're endorsed. Whenever we attempted this, however, the focuses we'd acquired didn't appear to be added to our record - we've questioned why this is with Microsoft and will refresh this story when we know more.

You can likewise procure somewhere in the range of 10 and 40 focuses per test or review (paying little mind to which level you're on) and one point for every £1 spent in the Microsoft Store. Until 15 August 2017, you'll likewise get twofold focuses if you search using Bing inside the Microsoft Edge program (as opposed to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and so forth).

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What can I get for my points?

You can trade your focuses for vouchers, or use them to enter rivalries - to do as such, click on the 'Prizes' part of your record and afterwards 'Reclaim'. A few recoveries cost less focus if you're a level two client. This is the way many focuses you'd require for a portion of the offers:

200 points to enter the Xbox One S month-to-month giveaway (simply open to those with a Microsoft Rewards account)

1,000 points for £2 Skype credit (900 for level two clients)

2,900 points for a £3 Xbox gift voucher (2,750 for level two)

3,000 points for one month of Skype Unlimited (2,800 level two), which generally costs about £12/mth

6,000 points for a one-month Xbox Live Gold enrollment (5,800 focuses level two), which typically costs £6/mth

16,000 points for a very long time Skype Unlimited (15,000 level two

30,000 points for a year Xbox Game Pass (29,000 level two) - regularly £7.99/month

65,650 points for a £50 Windows Store gift voucher (61,400 level two)

110,000 points for a year Groove Music pass (99,900 level two)

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You can likewise give your points to a noble cause. Until 15 August 2017 Microsoft will match your commitments - you can give £1 (1,290 focuses for a level one client), £3 (3,760 focuses for level one), or £5 (6,270 focuses for level one) to the Special Olympics, Ability Net and UK Youth noble cause.


How to automatically use Bing for every search

To do this, the most straightforward method for ensuring you don't pass up focuses is to set Bing as your program's default web index. That implies when you type what you need to find in the location bar at the highest point of your program, it will naturally utilize Bing to track down it.

This is the way to change your default web search tool is probably the most well-known program on a work area or PC:

Google Chrome - click the 'three dab' menu button in the upper right corner, and go to 'settings'. Select 'Bing' as the 'web crawler utilized in the location bar.

Microsoft Edge (which supplanted Internet Explorer in Windows 10) - it's possible this will as of now default to Bing, yet on the off chance that not click the 'three dab' menu button in the upper right corner and go to 'cutting edge settings'. Select 'Bing' as 'search in the location bar.

Mozilla Firefox - click the 'three line' menu button in the upper right corner, and go to 'choices'. Select 'search' from the left-hand menu and pick Bing as the default web search tool.

You'll have to guarantee you're signed in to Microsoft Rewards after rolling out these improvements, and it merits checking you're gathering focuses occasionally by searching for the prize picture and number of focuses close to the hunt box.

Microsoft says you ought to likewise have the option to procure focuses when you search through Bing on your portable, using a program or the application, for however long you're endorsed. Yet, as above, up until this point we've viewed focuses don't appear to be as added - we've questioned why this is with Microsoft and will refresh the story when we know more. Meanwhile, this is the way to set your versatile's program to utilize Bing naturally:

iOS - Go to 'settings', then, at that point 'Safari' (or Chrome or another program), at that point 'web crawler' and select 'Bing'.

Android - Go to 'settings', 'applications', 'web' and 'select web search tool'.

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You might have the option to get compensated MORE to look through utilizing different instruments

While Bing's the principal significant web search tool to offer a steadfastness conspire, there are alternate ways of making focus and money while perusing - and at times they pay more. Here are our top-pick options in contrast to Microsoft Rewards:

Qmee is extra to your program that shows additional indexed lists or adverts when you search the web or certain destinations - it deals with Google, Bing, Amazon, eBay and some more. You can procure somewhere in the range of 7p and 15p by tapping on the additional outcome. You're paid by PayPal, and a few clients report procuring £5/month.

GiftHulk offers 'mass coins' on the off chance that you search through its site. You get around four focuses per search, however, can gather focuses on one pursuit each hour. You can likewise procure focus by watching recordings and taking overviews. You can trade focuses for Amazon gift vouchers (eg, you'd require 15,000 points for a £10 Amazon card).

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Nectar fans can procure up to 200 points each month using the Nectar toolbar, which gives you one point for every two guests and is controlled by Yahoo. There's likewise a 200-point reward when you initially download the toolbar. Nectar focuses can then be spent at stores - one point's typically worth 0.5p at Sainsbury's - or supported and traded for a long time out or gift voucher offers.

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